As any grower facing grapevine virus diseases in the vineyard knows, they are costly. While research efforts on disease resistance are underway, many are asking how to mitigate disease impacts to get the most out of their crop.
Dr. Marc Fuchs, one of the leading researchers on grapevine virus diseases, shared the following recommendations at the Unified Wine & Grape Symposium in February 2020:
Mitigation Options for Grapevine Red Blotch Disease and Grapevine Leafroll Disease:
Manage crop load
Use bio-stimulants and foliar fertilizers
Selectively pick diseased parcels and vines
Grapevine Red Blotch Disease Management Options:
If less than 30% of the parcel is diseased, remove diseased vines
If more than 30% of the parcel is diseased, remove the entire parcel
Insecticide applications aren't effective
Grapevine Leafroll Disease Management Options:
If less than 25% of the parcel is diseased, remove diseased vines and apply pesticides
If more than 25% of the parcel is diseased, remove the entire parcel
Click on the following links to read more about Dr. Fuchs' research on grapevine red blotch virus and grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 and the grape mealybug.