From January 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, there were 27,991 nursery stock shipments from the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) generally-infested areas to non-infested areas of the state. Shipments were down by 1,627 compared to the same period in 2017.
“Shipping nurseries and county agricultural inspectors continue to do a tremendous job ensuring that nursery stock shipments destined for non-infested counties are GWSS-free,” said Stacie Oswalt, a Senior Environmental Scientist with the CDFA’s PD Control Program. “This year marks the first time in the Program’s history that no viable life stages have been found on nursery stock shipments at destination between January and October.”
No regulatory actions have been necessary so far this year. During the same time frame last year, six regulatory actions were taken. Since January 1, 2018, origin county inspectors have stopped 45 egg masses, 1 nymph, and 2 adults from moving in nursery stock shipments.
Nursery Stock Approved Treatment Program (ATP)
From January 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018, there were 10,298 ATP shipments consisting of 2,695,333 plants. ATP shipments and number of plants for the same time frame in 2017 were 10,213 and 2,784,779, respectively. No regulatory actions have been necessary year to date.
High Risk Nursery Trap Finds in 2018
Contra Costa County: On June 4, one GWSS was found on a trap at a retail nursery in the city of Brentwood. The delimitation survey concluded with no further detections.
Madera County: On August 23, one GWSS was found on a trap at a retail nursery in the Madera Ranchos area. The delimitation survey concluded with no further detections.
Placer County: On June 19, one GWSS was found on a trap at a retail nursery in the city of Lincoln. The delimitation survey concluded with no further detections.
Urban/Residential Trap Find and Delimitation
Merced County: On October 18, one GWSS was found on a trap at a property in Delhi. The delimitation survey has started around this find with no further detections to date.