After the April joint meeting of the PD/GWSS Board and the PD Advisory Task Force, members were invited to the offices of the California Association of Winegrape Growers to taste wines made from grapes grown from PD-resistant grapevines.
Dr. Andy Walker explains where PD resistance in grapevines comes from and how he gets that resistance into winegrapes.
For over two decades Dr. Andy Walker from UC Davis has been using traditional breeding methods to develop grapevines resistant to PD.
Dr. Walker’s work has been built on a foundation of naturally PD-resistant native grapevines that were collected from the U.S. and Mexico by Dr. Harold Olmo during the 1960s and 1970s. Dr. Walker has also added to that collection over the years. It is from this group of wild grapevines that the genes that impart PD-resistance were identified and bred into winegrapes.
A row of wine glasses all lined up during the tasting, each with a small amount of wine made from grapes grown from PD-resistant grapevines.