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PD/GWSS Referendum Ballot Mailing – Date Change

PD/GWSS Board News

The date for the mailing of the ballots for the PD/GWSS assessment referendum has been changed to the week of April 6. In January a tentative date of March 30 had been set.

“The task of building an accurate list of winegrape growers who should receive ballots includes accounting for the industry’s growth since the last referendum in 2010,” said PD Control Program Statewide Coordinator Bob Wynn. “It is taking a bit more time to process their information, but it’s worth it to make sure our list of eligible growers is as up-to-date as possible.”

At least 40 percent of eligible growers must cast ballots to validate the referendum.  All winegrape growers who paid the assessment for the 2014 harvest are eligible to vote in the referendum.  

Growers are reminded that each of their legal entities is entitled to vote; accordingly some may get more than one ballot. Avoid diluting the strength of your vote by verifying that the number of ballots you receive matches the number of legal entities you own.  If you have office staff who receive your mail, alert them to not throw away any extra votes.  The referendum materials will contain instructions on what to do if you receive the wrong number of ballots.

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