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Single GWSS Found in San Luis Obispo

PD/GWSS Board News

On Thursday, July 13, 2017 one glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) was found on a trap within the city of San Luis Obispo. The location of this find is about four miles from where a previous GWSS infestation was eradicated in December 2013.

According to Marty Settevendemie, Agricultural Commissioner for San Luis Obispo County, “In addition to placing more traps in the area, we conducted a visual survey within a ¼ mile radius of the find and found no further evidence of GWSS in the area.”

With the addition of new traps, the total number of traps in the square mile area around where the adult GWSS was found is now 117.

GWSS delimitation protocol requires additional traps and inspections in the area for four weeks. During the first week traps are checked twice, and during the next three weeks the traps are checked once a week. If by August 11 there are no additional finds, it will indicate that the trapped GWSS was an isolated incident and there is no infestation in the area.



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