The PD/GWSS Board voted during its June 17 meeting to reduce the winegrape assessment from $1.50 to $1.00 per $1,000 of value for the 2019 harvest. The Board’s recommendation was approved by CDFA Secretary Karen Ross. The annual rate has averaged $1.42 per $1,000 of value since it was established in 2001. Assessment funds are used for research and outreach on Pierce’s disease, glassy-winged sharpshooter, and other designated pests and diseases, including European grapevine moth, mealybugs, brown marmorated stink bug, red blotch virus, fanleaf virus, and leafroll virus. Click here for more information about the PD/GWSS Board and how assessment funds are used.
Winegrape Assessment Rate Lowered to $1.00 for 2019
PD/GWSS Board News
Updated: Nov 15, 2019